What I Want to Manifest in the World and How I Plan to Do It
Yesterday, I finished a five-month course called From Comfort to Courage. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada presented the class. Toward the end of the final sessions, I had seven minutes to write down what I wanted to manifest in the world. Here’s what I wrote:
My strongest desire is to manifest health and happiness for myself and all of those whom I love is one of my most important objectives.
Manifesting a sense of calm in children (and adults) is important to me. I am attempting to do this with a series of non-fiction picture books that reaffirm spirit through affirmations and also provide physical and spiritual exercises that foster stress reduction, self-love, and self-actualization. The first manuscript is just about ready to go out into the world. It’s titled I FEEL GOOD!
I also want to help preserve species that range from frogs to panda bears to lightning bugs. I’m working on three manuscripts that call attention to the plight of these species.
Although it may not be realistic, I am acting to manifest a feeling of wholeness in the world. I am so tired of the polarization that is taking place. One way for me to do this is by writing a Graphic Novel called “WHOSE COUNTRY IS THIS?” that empowers Republicans and Democrats to see each other’s point-of-view and work together. I realize that it is unlikely to work because there are so many people that read only what they already believe, but there has to be a way to foster change. In the words of Edward Everett Hale, “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
I’m also requesting a radio interview. Here’s a copy of an email that I sent today.
[Name] suggested that I contact you regarding an author interview. I am offering four free unique experiences on my website: http://alanhjordan.com (I will put up a special page on my website for your listeners. It will contain the links they need.) For your convenience, each of the bulleted items is a link so you can preview it.)
- The Poetry of Vehicles – Free .pdf book. Perfect for adults and children who love classic cars.
- Come In, Come In – Free .pdf book. Younger children can spend hours coloring it, more mature students illustrate poems, and everyone, including adults who enjoy poetry.
- and Love is in the Air – An interactive presentation that shows the comprehensive nature of love.
- This FREE video of The Monster on Top of the Bed, narrated by Virginia Castleman.
Here are suggested interview questions:
QUESTION: On your website, you explain that you’re offering these for free, what motivated you to do this?
- MY RESPONSE WILL FOCUS ON: Helping parents who are at home with their children and how each of these offerings can help. I’ll also point out many adults will just enjoy seeing the photos of classic cars in THE POETRY OF VEHICLES.
QUESTION: You state that LOVE IS IN THE AIR is an interactive presentation. What do you mean by that?
- MY RESPONSE WILL FOCUS ON: Explaining that this is not a book per se, but a presentation that uses conditional logic. Each reader has an opportunity to see different pages, based upon their choices. I use this presentation when I do virtual school visits.
QUESTION: Will LOVE IS IN THE AIR become a book?
- MY RESPONSE WILL BE SOMETHING LIKE: Maybe. The poetry in it may be illustrated by another artist and it may have a different title.
QUESTION: I’ve looked at the video of THE MONSTER ON TOP OF THE BED. It’s beautifully illustrated. It makes me want to get my hands on the book. Is this available as a book?
- MY RESPONSE MAY EXPAND UPON: Yes. It has several different formats. It’s available as a small booklet with a CD that reads the story in English, Spanish and Italian. It’s also available in a paperback book and it’s available in two special editions that allow a child who to write their own words directly onto the background artwork.
QUESTION: You told me before the interview that you have something special for members of our audience who are interested in having an impact on your upcoming book I FEEL GOOD!, which is a picture book that helps children and adults to brush off negative feelings in five or ten minutes. Could you explain your offer to our audience?
- MY RESPONSE WILL FOCUS ON explaining that I have a book in the manuscript stage that combines affirmations with yoga, and Qi Gong techniques. The forthcoming book presents nine affirmations and a short moving-meditation that usually results in someone feeling more relaxed immediately. I’m willing to share this manuscript with anyone who is willing to digitally sign a form that says they will respect my copyright and will not copy the material or present it as their own. They can then use the manuscript at home and let me know what they like about it, or how they think I can improve it. I’ll take their feedback into consideration before I submit the manuscript to the publisher.
QUESTION: Why only nine affirmations, that’s not many?
- MY RESPONSE WILL EXPLAIN that too many affirmations when read are, frankly, boring. I’ll explain that these affirmations innoculate against fears that most children have, fears like, “I’m not good enough.” I’ll also explain that the book contains instructions for writing the EXACT affirmations the reader needs at that point in time. Furthermore, we’ll go over the importance of combining the affirmations with a short, physical/spiritual exercise that’s based on a combination of Yoga and Qi Gong.
QUESTION: Do you have any other books?
My RESPONSE WILL EXPLAIN that they can buy many but not not all of my other books on Amazon, the U.S. site. I’ll suggest that to save money on shipping they use the U.K site https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alan-
H-Jordan/e/B006BHWKQI. The special page on my website can also link to an archive of our interview, if you like.
To encourage manifestation, I’m going to print two copies of this post and plant them in the soil, one in my back yard and the other near a lake that I walk by frequently. Wish me luck. Wish us luck!